About Me

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I am happily married to my wife Denise for 13 years. We have a daughter and she is 8 years old, her name is Hailey. We also have a cat named boots and he is the best cat that anyone can have. We both love to cook and bake when we have time, I do most of the cooking because I am a stay at home dad right now, who is looking for a new job. We just wanted to share our recipes on here with everyone so that they can make the same things that we make. Hope you enjoy this Blog and we update it whenever we make something new in the kitchen.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sloppy Joe Squares

1 lb. ground beef
1 can of sloppy Joe sauce
2 cans of Pillsbury Big & Buttery crescent dinner rolls
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 t. sesame seed

Brown the hamburger over medium heat until all browned, drain. Return to skillet and stir in the sauce until it is heated all the way through.
Unroll one can of the dough; place in greased 13x9 pan. press the dough on the bottom of the pan and up the sides about a 1/2 inch, once the dough is pressed and complete, add the sloppy Joe mixture, spread evenly over the dough and sprinkle with cheese.
Unroll the second can of dough and place it over the top of the mixture, it should cover the whole top. sprinkle sesame seeds on the top of the crescent roll(I didn't use sesame seeds, I used cheese instead)
Bake at 350 for 30 to 35 minutes or until the mixture is bubbly and dough is golden brown. Cut into squares and serve.

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